Our Community

The Excelsior Community College Alumni Association maintains and enhances a highly engaged, vibrant community of alumni and friends worldwide. It helps connect alumni to the College and each other through a wealth of community activities, continuing education programs, online services, and events.

The Excelsior Community College Alumni Association is the official association for you and the more than 400 alumni around the world. You are an alumni just by attending Excelsior Community College or a staff member

The Excelsior Community College Alumni Association connects you and your fellow graduates with a wealth of networking opportunities, professional development resources, programs, volunteer opportunities, faculty-led trips, and more. So, whether you are looking to build or expand your network, reconnect with classmates, mentor students, engage in lifelong learning, or stay informed about EXED news, the Association is here to keep you connected to it all.

You may no longer be a student, but the Association will always be here for you. Our alumni community is your community.

The Excelsior Community  College Alumni Association is here to support you our EXED family. From those first steps into the wider world, through to important decisions you’ll make about your career and your professional relationships, we can help you build connections with our global community.

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